The perception that gluten-free is generally healthy is reflected in NPD’s finding that only 25 percent of those living in a gluten-free home say celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is the main reason. Among the other reasons consumers cite for following a gluten-free diet are that it improves digestive health and eliminates toxins from the body.
Food marketers also need to keep in mind that offsetting the consumer-perceived benefits of a gluten-free diet is what consumers consider the downsides, which are the high costs of gluten-free products and the taste of these products not being up to par. Half of gluten-free consumers say that they may not be willing to sacrifice taste in order to maintain a gluten-free diet; however, the most cited reason for choosing to not purchase a gluten-free product is that it was too expensive, according to The NPD Group report.
Posted By: Alexis Perry