Food Consultants Group Special Offer


Food Consultant’s Group Special Offer!

Dear Fellow Food Professionals,

We’re offering membership in our group for only $320, a $100 savings, in March only. Annual costs thereafter are only $220.

Why join? Three main reasons:

1) We’re getting nearly 40,000 unique visitors each year to our website – each of them looking for a food professional. We’re number one on most search engines. This means over 250 leads last year. And we sell from these leads.

2) Membership in the group allows you to develop a team that can take on any size project:

-Twelve of us banded together to create a $1.2 million proposal to put a foreign company in the restaurant business – from concept development through construction, training and fine tuning before turning the keys over to the client.

-Six of us teamed to evaluate a company’s supply chain starting from an analysis of their product line through evaluating new copackers, resulting in a further assignment to develop a new product development system for them.

Teaming has two additional benefits:

-The sale-to-proposal rate escalates to about 50%, compared to industry norms of about 33%.

-Being asked to join such a team has zero client acquisition bost for you – just like found money.

-And there have been hundreds of other small team projects, where one member brings in another FCG member.

3) No consulting firm in the world has a better client list (check it out at This is one of the most important impressions a solo practioner can make – a good client list sells.

You’ve literally broken bread with us and if you need more sales in these difficult times, membership in the Food Consultants Group may be an answer.

If you’d like to join, just send your check for $320 to:

Pete Crosby, Finance Chair CGR Management Consultants, Suite 1900 – 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067

Or, if I can answer any questions, please give me a call.

Mike Gilles, Chairman (949)488-3880

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