Girl & Dug Farm Produce Boxes and Wagyu Tomahawk Steaks


Clay Oven has partnered with one of their favorite farms to offer produce boxes available for pickup on Thursdays starting May 28th. Girl & Dug Farm in San Marcos has long been a favorite for Clay Oven and other notable restaurant friends for their unique, sustainable produce.

Clay Oven will be offering pre-orders of their Dug’s Foodie Box (pictured above) and Lucky Sam Box (pictured below). Pre-orders for the following week must be received by 3 pm the previous Sunday by email or phone at 949.552.2851. Each box is $55, and more info on the boxes available at the links above. Trust us, they’re worth it for the Atomic Tomatoes alone!

Clay Oven Luckt Sam Box

Wagyu Tomahawk Steaks

Yes, 40oz Wagyu Tomahawk Steaks are still available! As they are very difficult to come by these days, they have had to make them a reservation-only item. To place an order for one, please let Clay Oven know at least two days in advance by email or phone at 949.552.2851.

Clay Oven Tomahawk Waygu Steak

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