Jersey Mike’s Subs Raises $1.1 Million For Susan G. Komen For the Cure


In Dallas on November 30, Jersey MikeSusan G. Komen for the Cure® with a check for $1.1 million on behalf of the franchise system and its loyal and generous customers. This was the culmination of the company’s six-month Mike’s Way to a Cure® awareness and fundraising campaign for the charity. Susan G. Komen will distribute 75 percent of the funds raised in each market back to the local area where the dollars were raised and 25 percent of the funds will be earmarked for research.

In an open letter of thanks, Cancro wrote, "After meeting Nancy Brinker, Susan’s sister and founder of the organization, at the Honoring the Promise Gala held at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, I was greatly moved by the stories of those affected by breast cancer. I knew then that this was a cause we needed to be involved with.

Travelling throughout the country and at our national conference in June, I heard stories from our customers and from our committed franchise owners about how breast cancer has touched so many lives. Everywhere we went the commitment to the cause was overwhelming.

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