Keg Day Rolls in at Yard House


Keg Day at Yard House is the one morning before each Yard House opening when the trucks pull up with deliveries of hundreds of kegs 250 or more that are unloaded from the trucks and carried into the restaurant’s glass-enclosed keg room. Each keg is tagged and dated with the distributor’s name and a designated tap handle is then placed on the beer head where 140 iconic handles encircle the signature island bar that has become Yard House’s calling card.

The glass-enclosed keg room, another architectural feature of Yard House, contains as much as 2,000 gallons of beer at any given time and is kept at a consistent temperature ranging from 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit with five miles of individual beer lines encased in stainless steel that stretch overhead from the keg room to the island bar.

Keg Day will be at Yard House at Marina Marketplace in Marina del Rey on Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00 pm and continues for up to 5 hours.

Check out a past Keg Day at Yard House

posted by Tiffany Haslacker

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