Keith Acuff Named Noble’s Chief Executive Officer


Noble Communications Co. (Noble), an integrated marketing communications agency announces that Keith Acuff has been promoted to Chief Executive Officer, assuming the role formerly held by founder and Chairman of the Board, Bob Noble. Acuff, formerly COO and CFO for Noble, is responsible for setting the vision and direction for the company which is headquartered in Springfield, Mo. and has a full-service office in Chicago.

“This is a very exciting time to be in the communications business,” Noble said. “The industry literally changes daily with more options for people to connect than ever before. We have an opportunity now to redefine this industry and promoting Keith Acuff to CEO is but one step in that process for us. I’ve spent the last 40-plus years helping Noble clients build their brands by leveraging our agency business. Now, I’m focused on building our next-generation consumer insights and publishing businesses-CultureWaves and The Food Channel. Having Keith in place as CEO for Noble allows me to concentrate on building these new and exciting enterprises. Under his leadership, we will continue in our legacy as a communications leader and pioneer, constantly evolving and innovating.”

“This is an exciting juncture not only for Noble, but for me as well,” Acuff said. “My focus will be to support our two communications agency Presidents, Julie Tumy in Springfield and Andy Hopson in Chicago, as well as Dan Stewart, our Chief Creative Officer, by providing the tools and best-in-class resources they need to grow our clients’ businesses. To accomplish that goal, we must lead the new communications paradigm, create more touch points for reaching clients’ customers, go deeper in our knowledge, leverage the myriad of new communications tools that are being created almost daily and tell the most engaging brand stories possible. The new marketing landscape is full of opportunities for those agencies that understand that the ad business as we knew it is dead and gone, but the brand inspiration and growth business is more robust than ever.”

Acuff has been with Noble for more than 17 years. He initially led the communication agency’s promotion and consumer marketing divisions and later was promoted to General Manager prior to leaving to serve as Vice President of Business Development for H.E. Williams, Inc., a world-class commercial and architectural lighting manufacturer. He returned to Noble in 2008 as CFO and COO. He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering, as well as an MBA, both from the University of Texas.

Posted 7/23/10.

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