LEDs Bring Savings to More Than 20 Red Robin Locations


Eco-story, a leader in LED lighting solutions, announced its partnership with Ansara Restaurant Group, one of Red Robin International’s largest franchise organizations.The project involved the installation of approximately 3,500 Eco-story LED lamps and is expected to achieve more than 1 million kilowatt hours of savings annually, which translates into more than $117,000 saved in utility costs per year. In addition, the switch to Eco-story’s LED lights will save about 524 tons of carbon dioxide annually, which is equivalent to removing about 100 cars from the road each year.
Eco-story supplied Ansara Restaurant Group with LED par 20, par 30, and par 38 lamps for the interior of the restaurants and some exterior applications.The installation was complete in February 2011 and the restaurants are already realizing savings.Ansara Restaurant Group expects a return on investment in approximately 10 months from the installation.The majority of the stores will receive utility rebates and more than half received rebates of 50 percent of the lamp and installation cost.

Posted on 04/12/11 by Allison

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