Mama’s Take-Out and Free Delivery Specials


Mama’s Comfort Food & Cocktails is currently offering take-out and delivery specials. They are open for these services from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Get Mama’s $40 Family Meal for Four, which includes Mama’s daily specials, comfort sides, and Thrifty’s ice cream.

Bottomless “Mamosa” kits are available, with your choice of juice, for $15 for one bottle and $20 for two bottles. You can also get Mama’s 32 oz. Pitchers for $20, also available for pick-up and free delivery.

For free delivery call:

Huntington Beach and Newport Beach: 714.374.1166

Los Alamitos: 562.357.6970

(Minimum $20 purchase required)



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