Men and Women Agree on Top Vodka Brands When Ordering On-Premise


Brand matters to consumers of Vodka at bars, restaurants and nightclubs, according to a report conducted by The NPD Group. The research company complied the information based on the criteria of habits, attitudes, and brand preference, finding that Grey Goose and Absolut were the clear cut top two brands of choice. The report, called the Beverage Alcohol Report (BAR), also divided brand preference based on age. The 21-49 segment preferred Grey Goose more than the 50+ consumers. Split between the segment, 21-34 year-olds liked Smirnoff more than the 35-49 year olds.

“Thirty-six percent of beverages ordered by adults, 21 and older, away-from-home are alcohol beverages,” says Warren Solochek, vice president, foodservice at NPD, who covered highlights from the BAR study at the VIBE conference in Las Vegas on March 14. “Consumers have an almost unlimited amount of beverage choices, and understanding how and why they make the choices they do is key to increasing sales and growing share.”

Posted by Markus Micheaels


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