One in Five Top U.S. Restaurants Serve Animal Welfare Approved Meat, Dairy and Eggs


One in five of the top 100 U.S. restaurants listed in the latest Opinionated About Dining national restaurant survey procure their meat, dairy products and eggs from high-welfare, pasture-based Animal Welfare Approved farms.

Published annually by pioneering food blogger, Steve Plotnicki, the Opinionated About Dining’s Top U.S. 100 Restaurants survey relies on the experiences and opinion of thousands of individual diners – not just a single reviewer. The 2012 results are based on over 70,000 reviews, contributed by more than 3,000 people who registered to take part. The methodology used gives weight to a number of different factors, including price point [1].

Andrew Gunther, Program Director for Animal Welfare Approved, says:

“It is well-known that today’s top chefs will only select the highest-quality, best-tasting ingredients for their menus, as this ultimately determines the final quality of their meals.

“So it comes as no surprise to find that some of the best restaurants in the country are already working with Animal Welfare Approved farms to procure meat, dairy products and eggs – a reflection of the unbeatable taste and quality of high-welfare, pasture-based food.

“The great news is that the same high-welfare, pasture-raised food is available to everyone. Using our Online Directory, you’ll find Animal Welfare Approved meat, dairy products and eggs served in countless other restaurants across the country, as well as in major retailers such as Whole Foods Market stores, Publix, Harris Teeter, Dean & Deluca, Schnucks, Earth Fare, and many other regional grocery stores, farmers’ markets and farm stores.”

AWA’s online directory of farms, restaurants and products enables the public to search for AWA farms, restaurants and retailers by zipcode, keywords, products and type of establishment. Visit

Posted by Suzanna

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