Otis Spunkmeyer Pink Cookie for Breast Cancer Awareness


“Bake a Difference!” Join the fight against breast cancer during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month with the Otis Spunkmeyer Pink Cookie. Only available during the “Pink Looks Good on You” promotion Sept. 1-Oct. 31, 2009, The Pink Cookie is a 1.33-oz. chocolate cookie made with pink candy-coated chocolate pieces. Proportioned frozen cookie dough means no mixing or scooping; cooks from frozen without thawing. Utilize the free counter card, wobbler and crew buttons to drive cookie sales and show support for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. To commemorate, Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc. has pledged a monetary donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, whose mission is to save lives by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and by providing mammograms for those in need. For more information about the Otis Spunkmeyer Pink Cookie, contact your local sales representative at 1-888-ASK-OTIS or visit www.spunkmeyer.com

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