The Oregon Truffle Festival Will Return to the Willamette Valley in 2021


Over the last months, the Oregon Truffle Festival Team has been imagining how the Oregon Truffle Festival can fit into this changed, new world. Like so many events and nonprofits, they have understood the need to adapt and embrace new ways of being together.

They are happy to announce that the Oregon Truffle Festival will return to the Willamette Valley in 2021, from January through March. They look forward to sharing another glorious season of Oregon truffles with you!

They will announce their schedule in the fall. In the meantime, here is a preview of what’s in store for 2021:

  • The Joriad North American Truffle Dog Championship will return on Friday, January 29 in Eugene. Mark your calendars!
  • An online Truffle Marketplace, featuring products from artisanal makers using fresh Oregon truffles. While their Fresh Oregon Truffle Marketplace took place two days out of the year, their new online marketplace will be open throughout the season. We’re also working to ensure we have fresh truffles to sell via this online platform as well.
  • Truffle dog training classes for small groups will be led by their top trainers in the field. We’re planning several of classes that will cater to a limited number of dogs.
  • Virtual Cooking Classes with guest chefs and beverage pairings will bring the art and science of cooking with truffles to your doorstep—literally.
  • Truffle Farming A-Z workshop with Dr. Charles Lefevre, both online and field studies for small groups.
  • Pop-up events in Oregon wine country will include intimate lunches, dinners, and overnight packages at trusted lodging partners. We will announce these events two weeks in advance and tickets will be limited.

Organizer Leslie Scott and The Oregon Truffle Festival Team thanks you for your ongoing support of the Oregon Truffle Festival and look forward to sharing more details – and releasing tickets – very soon. Meanwhile, please visit their gallery to enjoy some favorite moments from OTF 2020.

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