What Cooking, Uncle Sam? Exhibit


What’s Cooking, Uncle Sam? is a thoughtful selection of records culled from thousands of pages of material that chronicle the story of the governments efforts to feed Americans an ample, safe, and nutritious diet. Spanning the Revolutionary War-era through the late 1900s, the documents, films, and photographs in the exhibition echo many of our current concerns about the Government’s role in the health and safety of our food supply. There are over 100 original records in the exhibits including folk songs, war posters, educational films, and even seed packets. Passing over the traditional chronological approach, the exhibition is arranged into four themes: Farm, Factory, Kitchen, and Table.

For more information about Whats Cooking, Uncle Sam?, visit http://www.archives.gov/press/press-kits/whats-cooking.
Posted By Kristin 6/4/11

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