WhistlePig Tasting Kits


whisk(e)y tasting

During these unusual times we want to bring our whiskey tasting to you in the comfort of your home. Buy a whiskey tasting kit and join us online for a virtual tasting hosted by WhistlePig Distillery.

WhistlePig Tasting Kit $60

-6 vials of Rye Whiskey provided by WhistlePig Distillery
-1 vial of WhistlePig Barrel Aged Maple Syrup
-Candied Maple Bacon
-Etched WhistlePig rocks glass
-Face mask with WhistlePig pin
-WhistlePig pen

Whiskey Tasting Kits will be available for purchase starting today directly on our website and available for pick-up and purchase from Monday, May 11th to Wednesday, May 13th at 5 pm.

Buy Kit Now

Join The Virtual Whiskey Tasting

The Virtual Whiskey Tasting will be held on

Wednesday, May 13th at 5pm 


Google Meet https://meet.google.com/mnt-qjdg-gma

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