Word Spreads, Germs Don’t at Virginia’s Craddock Terry Hotel


When a hotel offers something truly unique to first-time and repeat guests, word spreads quickly. When that offering helps keep germs from spreading, word-of-mouth goes viral in a good way.

That’s what happened at the boutique Craddock Terry Hotel in Lynchburg, Virginia, when they started featuring a trio of NanoTouchâ„¢ products in their guest rooms. As the world’s first manufacturer of printed, portable, removable, and self-cleaning NanoSepticâ„¢ touch point products that constantly kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, Virginia-based NanoTouch Materials is making a splash in the hospitality, travel, education, and food service industries. It started with the popular Craddock Terry Hotel.

The Craddock Terry’s hotel director, Todd Swindell, says the use of NanoTouch also sends a ‘green’ message along with enhancing the hotel’s ‘clean’ image. He says, “In today’s world of growing eco-consciousness, we’re always looking for ways to reduce the use of water and electricity, as well as limit the use of detergents that might impact the environment. By using the NanoTouch travel mats on the vanity, it’s one less towel we have to wash-increasing the sustainability of our property.”

More information and images can be found at www.nanotouchmaterials.com/press

posted by Anna Nguyen

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