World Renowned Chef Ming Tsai Delivered Commencement for Bentley University


World renownedChef Ming Tsai delivered a keynote address at the Bentley University McCallum Graduate School of Business 37th annual commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 19, 2012, on the south campus.

Chef Tsai, owner of the Blue Ginger restaurant in Wellesley, Mass., and host and executive producer of the Emmy-nominated public television cooking show, “Simply Ming,” is also an author, prolific designer and product developer, and East-West lifestyle expert. His work as a national spokesperson for the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) aims to further education and research on food allergies. In addition to developing theFood Allergy Reference Book, a pioneering system that creates safeguards to help food-allergic people dine safely, Chef Tsai spent four years working with theMassachusetts Legislature to help write groundbreaking legislation that requires local restaurants to comply with specific food allergy awareness guidelines.

Tsai will receive an honorary doctor of commercial science degree at the ceremony.

“This day is such an important one in the lives of our students and their families.We are thrilled that Ming will have the opportunity to share it with them. We know that he will bring a special message to our graduates and their guests that reflects his fascinating life experiences, his creative business endeavors, and his unique perspective on finding balance in work and life.

Posted by Ann Chen


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