Anaheim Brewery Gives Back


pink-bootsWhen Anaheim Brewery brewed Unite Pale Ale on International Women’s Day, the brewerypledged a portion of the proceeds would benefit these two organizations. In July, Anaheim Brewerypresented checks toboththe Orange County Family Justice Center and to the Pink Boots Society for$1,185.00.
The Pink Boots Society was formed in 2008 to empower women beer professionals to advance their careers in the Beer Industry. Barbara was at the first meeting of the Pink Boots, and remains a steadfast supporter.
Anaheim Brewery is proud to support the Orange County Family Justice Center(OCFJC), a local foundation that provides direct victim assistance and empowerment and prevention resources to families impacted by domestic violence. The brewerybelieves strongly that charity begins in your own back yard. Since the openingin 2011, theyhave donated one dollar to the foundation for every barrel of beer produced.

Posted By Nicholas Gonzales


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