Managing Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis Webinar


Managing Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis

A global insurance brokerage Hub International, they are responding to numerous inquiries asking for more guidance through the Coronavirus crisis.

They will be holding a webinar this Tuesday, March 24 from 1-2:00 central. They hope you and your readers/listeners/viewers can join them.

Please sign up here.

The novel coronavirus crisis is impacting businesses in all industries in significant ways. As reports of the disease spread, so do concerns about supply chain disruption, business operations, and employee safety and well-being.

Join the panel of HUB International specialists for an executive overview of the critical issues you need to consider and plan for as you navigate through this pandemic.

This webinar is intended for business owners, executives and HR leaders who need to make strategic decisions on how to manage their day-to-day business operations while mitigating risk and supporting employee health and safety.


What they’ll cover:

• Business Continuity Planning – how to quickly develop a crisis plan to address this current scenario

• Insurance coverages that may apply and how you need to approach the claims process

• Pay Continuation, Leave and Employee Benefits issues for U.S. employers

• Practical tips and considerations regarding employer legal compliance. including FMLA, ADA, FLSA, OSHA, and Title VII


Identifying the critical people and processes that have the biggest impact on your business is the key to creating a response plan to minimize disruption.

If you’re looking for a practical playbook to help you manage your business through this crisis, be sure to join the webinar.

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