SteelCraft Bellflower Celebrated Their Groundbreaking Ceremony


On Monday morning, May 7, 2018, dozens of people gathered at the project site to celebrate the SteelCraft Bellflower groundbreaking ceremony. The current grassy lot, located at 16500 Bellflower Boulevard, will become home to the outdoor urban eatery made of repurposed shipping containers late this year.

The theme of the morning was overwhelmingly that “Bellflower is back.” Mayor Dunton shared his excitement with members of the community and said, “With the Addition of SteelCraft, it just proves that Downtown Bellflower is thriving.” 

All of the SteelCraft Bellflower tenants, their families and many members of the public attended to hear the tenant lineup announcement and celebrate as a community. 

Founder Kimberly Gros was overwhelmed with the turnout. “The energy was surreal. Looking out into a sea of people gathered in the space that will soon become SteelCraft Bellflower, it felt like we already succeeded in what we set out to do — to bring the community together for something really special. Kids sitting in the grass with their parents, employees with their teams, generations of families who grew up in the City, and people walking by all celebrated together. Even Ten Mile Brewing’s dog, Barley, was there with us!”

Gros added, “I am humbled that so many people attended to share our excitement for the project and welcome the incredible tenants we put our hearts into curating.”

City Manager Jeffrey Stewart looks forward to the vibrancy the project will bring to the Downtown area. 

“SteelCraft is a creative and revolutionary way to provide savory fair to our diverse community. We are looking forward to the energy, creativity and opportunities provided by SteelCraft Bellflower,” said Stewart.

SteelCraft Bellflower will bring nine new businesses to the Downtown area: five food offerings, craft beer, wine, coffee and dessert. Coffee and dessert will both be open to the street to further activate the already busy Bellflower Boulevard.

The current tenant lineup for SteelCraft Bellflower is as follows.

 CRAFT BEER: Ten Mile Brewing

COFFEE: Solid Coffee Roasters

BREAKFAST: Cassidy’s Corner

BURGERS: The Standing Room

VIETNAMESE: Pholanthropy

CHICKEN: Fritzi Coop

ICE CREAM: Long Beach Creamery

 SteelCraft is in conversations with potential food concepts for the last container and is even taking recommendations from the Bellflower community.

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