Tea Championship Reveals Best-of-the-Best in North America


The North American Tea Championship named 19 first-place winners in its annual Hot Tea Class / Fall Tea evaluation, which took place Feb. 22 – 23 in Las Vegas, NV. Rishi Tea led the group by winning a total of four first-place spots in the competition, and five first-time competitors came out on top in each of their categories.Tea companies that took a prestigious first-place title include: Ajiri Tea Company; Barnes & Watson Fine Teas; China Mist Brands;Globex America dba Cavallini Coffee & Tea; Naivetea; Qtrade Teas & Herbs; Rare Tea Cellar Inc.; The Republic of Tea; TeaGschwendner; Teas Etc.; Tao Tea Leaf; and Yogic Chai – all of which offer tea products in the North American marketplace.

The first-time competitors who bested the competition include: Ajiri Tea Company, Globex America dba Cavallini Coffee & Tea, Rare Tea Cellar Inc., Tao Tea Leaf; and Yogic Chai. Overall, competitors showcased an assortment of premium fall teas in 19 different categories – from Assam to Yunnan – and the renowned judges evaluated nearly 200 teas. The Championship is the only independent and professionally-judged tea competition in North America. Each year, the competition identifies the highest quality and best tasting teas that are commercially available in the marketplace.

Kim Jage, executive vice president of World Tea Media, producers of the North American Tea Championship and World Tea Expo, said, “This North American Tea Championship was eye-opening as it allowed several first-time competitors, who are all offering high quality tea, the chance to be recognized. This event continues to confirm the significant number of premium loose-leaf teas from companies in North America.”

The tea submissions were evaluated blind and through organoleptic analysis of the following characteristics: dry leaf, brewed color, brewed aroma, brewed flavor, brewed mouth-feel, and brewed harmony. An overall numerical value on a 100-point scale was then calculated based on the ratings of each characteristic above. Winners were determined by rank.

A complete list of first, second and third-place winners of the North American Tea Champions is available at www.teachampionship.com. A Winners’ Tasting Circle will be held at 2011 World Tea Expo June 24 -26 for all attendees. The next North American Tea Championship will be held in July in Las Vegas for an evaluation of spring teas. Entries will be accepted in June.

Posted on 03/29/11 by Allison

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