World Coffee Research Receives Five-Year $2.5 Million Grant From Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc


World Coffee Research has recently received a five-year $2.5 million grant from the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. The non-profit research and development program of the global coffee industry (World Coffee Research) linked up with one of the leaders in specialty coffees (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc) in order to promote sustainability of Arabica coffee supply chains around the world and improve coffee farmers’ livelihoods. This hope will be achieved through World Coffee Research’s continued research projects around the world, more specifically concentrating on protecting coffee production against threats like climate change.

The grant seems to be a perfect merger of thoughts and direction, as Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc Senior Director of Coffee Lindsey Bolger says her company is invested in improving the coffee market long-term and making the industry as a whole more sustainable.

Tim Schilling, executive director of the program says, “GMCR is the fastest-growing specialty coffee company in the U.S., a forward-thinking company and a leader in the industry. The company has been supportive of WCR since its inception.”

“When we started the research initiative, we needed progressive companies to anchor the program at significant levels of funding. GMCR believed in our team and our research plan, and (Green Mountain) took a leadership role in funding this initiative,” Schilling notes.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc is the largest donator and supporter of the research project to date.

Posted by Markus Micheaels


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