America Trashes Forty Percent of Food Supply


The Natural Resources Defense Council recently found that Americans toss 40 percent of food in the U.S., the equivalent of $165 billion.

“As a country, we’re essentially tossing every other piece of food that crosses our path – that’s money and precious resources down the drain,” said Dana Gunders, NRDC project scientist with the food and agriculture program. “With the price of food continuing to grow, and drought jeopardizing farmers nationwide, now is the time to embrace all the tremendous untapped opportunities to get more out of our food system. We can do better.”

The report found the averageAmerican family of four ends up throwing away an equivalent of up to $2,275 annually in food; food waste is the single largest component of solid waste in U.S. landfills.This is a 50 percent jump in food waste since the 1970s.

Additionally, Grocery stores and other seller are losing as much as $15 billion annually in unsold fruits and vegetables worldwide.

The NRDC says the major contributor to the problem, however, is the consumers.It cites large portions, as well as uneaten leftovers as the main problems.

Posted by Lauren Grelle


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