Nirvana Grille Sets Up Grocery Co-Op & Mix and Match Meal Kit Ordering


As we see more and more empty shelves and scarcity, as a restaurant Nirvana Grille has access to more than the normal family. They are here to help be a resource to all.

If you need any food items, cleaning supplies, household necessities, etc they will be ordering from their vendors and putting together a co-op. In these times, we must pull together and Nirvana is here to help make sure mouths are fed, bottoms are clean, and panic is minimized.

Visit their website for more information

Grocery Co-Op and Mix and Match Meal Kits Page


Steps Currently Being Taken To Keep Everyone That Comes To Or Works With Nirvana Grille Safe:

– Wiping all doors, front and back of house, inside and outside, every 30 minutes.

– Wiping bathroom entry, stall, and sink every 30 minutes.

– Employees will be washing their hands every 30 minutes or any time they come in contact with something that has potentially touched another’s mouth.

– Wiping iPads down constantly throughout the night.

– When doing any food preparation, gloves are being used and disposed of when finished.

– In the kitchen and dish station, any time an employee touches dirty silverware, glassware, or plates they are washing hands with soap and water.

– Wiping down any pens before dropping them at tables, for each use.

– Wiping down all menus after every 30 minutes.

– Employees will be washing their hands after any touching of their mouth or face.

– Changing linens after each use.

– No hugging or shaking hands will be allowed between staff or staff and guests at this time.

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